October 2022 Magic Book ToC Update!

Added a bit over 40 additional Magic Book table of content listings to the site here: https://magicref.net/magicbooks/
Mostly with authors who's last names start with H.

Davies, Toby (editor): Ten for Thom
Fogel, Maurice: The Gambling Ghost - Fogel's Top Secrets No. 1
Gloviski, Peter: Lecture 1985 cover image added
Govan, Barry & Ian Baxter: The Blueprint Volume 3
Groves, David: Be a Street Magician!
Hallas, Paul: O.O.P.S. Magic and Mentalism
Hamilton, Cara: Storytelling for Magicians
Hamilton, Greg: Hare Brain Ideas for the Rabbit in the Hat Puppet Vol.1
Hanes, Justin: Mystery Engineering
Hanky Panky: Super Magic 100 Tricks
Harbin, Robert: How to Be a Wizard
Harel, Nimrod: Shalosh - Stage Work
Hargraves, Bob: A Lesson in Magic!
Harlan, Dan: Warning: Prolonged Exposure May Induce Severe Brain Trauma
Harris, Ben: Crossroads
Harris, Ben: Mentallica - Heavy Mental Magic
Harris, Ben: New Directions Five
Harris, Ben: New Directions One
Harris, Ben: New Directions Six
Hart, Steve: Tricks to Make them Laugh
Hartman, Jerry K.: After Craft, More Card Trickery
Hartman, Jerry K.: Card Devilry
Hasbun, Bob: Out of the Box
Havil, Julian: Impossible?
Hawkesworth, Eric: Conjuring
Hawkesworth, Eric: Pleated Paper Folding
Hawkesworth, Eric: Rag Picture Shows
Hawkesworth, Eric: The Art of Paper Tearing
Hayden, Allan: New 'Modified' Mighty Silver Bulldog
Hecklau, Axel: Details
Hedan, Vincent: Lecture Notes
Hemingway, David: Aspects of Magic
Henderson, Brad: The Dance
Herman, Black (Benjamin Rucker): Secrets of Magic-Mystery & Legerdemain
Hetzler, Bruce: Bev Taylor's Town House Magic
Hickey, Preston Langley: Parlor Problems
Hickok, Chuck: First and Last Lecture
Hickok, Chuck: Thought-Full Telepathy
Higham, Justin: Bold and Illogical Card Moves
Higham, Justin: Clairvoyant, Mental Topper and The Mind-Reader's Dream
Higham, Justin: Highlights
Higham, Justin: The 75% Production and the Trick With No Method
Higham, Justin: The Complete Illogical Dribble Force
Mentzer, Jerry: Eddie Fechter´s Dice Holdout Methods for Magicians
Mentzer, Jerry: Paul Harris' Super Swindle!

By Admin Last updated: 1 November 2022, 23:14